Spiritual & Faith infused Workshops & Retreats that build character today to impact a life time

At The Character Project, our mission is to build character today that will impact a lifetime through the lens of spirituality and faith.
We believe that purpose, fulfilment and lasting success, are directly influenced by the strength of one’s character.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Character Project acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this land, honouring their enduring connection to this country and their teachings and wisdom in fostering character, belonging, spirituality, purpose, Faith, connection and community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.


We Facilitate Authentic Spiritual & Faith infused Workshops & Retreats that build character to Empower the next generations to find a place of connection and belonging as they learn live and lead.

Be it a full day or one of our Impact sessions we bring to life both current and time-tested research on the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development of a person's character, through the use of a strengths-based approach, practical applications, hands-on activities, the art of self Discipline and Discipleship and real stories shared by real people. We explore what it means to be a person of character in today’s world—to take the road less travelled and lead a life of significance and contribution grounded in Faith, hope and Love.

Our Program

Impact Sessions

Looking for more than… just a retreat day? looking for something shorter but still leaves an impact? Our Impact Sessions Deliver key & foundational messages over 1-2 lessons (approx 60-90 min) on a range of key topics surrounding the central theme of Character that provide students & staff with an opportunity to engage and consider themself, others & spiritual aspects of life.

Full Day Retreats

Looking for something to fit yr 7-12 over the full day and is more Than… the standard Retreat, Our full-day retreat style allows all students to access the messages of connection, faith, belonging, gratitude, God, scripture, forgiveness, fun and relationship in an authentic way. It will engage, unite and uplift your students.

Multi-day Retreats

These are the moments we get to step back and take into account the big 4 - How far we have come, Where we are now, Where are we hoping to go and How will we get there. these are important questions to ask because what got you here won’t always get you there.

Spirituality is not simply a "Sundays Club"; it is an invitation for everyone to discover their true self. In the places we go to seek the highest, we will find holy ground. It is on this holy ground we discover our unique abilities and look to become the best version of ourselves. Take the example given in the lives and charisms of the saints, we see how their personal relationships with Jesus offered them a sense of belonging, purpose, and vision for their lives. We are reminded that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Why Spirituality


At Connect & Belong, our proven Learn, Act, Reflect Process balances active engagement with authentic content, drawn from real knowledge and experience.

Expertly Designed

These programs are designed in partnership with Luke McKenna & Peter McAuliffe. Between them, They have more than 25 yr experience in this space and have worked with over 300,000 Students Across Australia and Ireland.

Lasting impact

We go beyond the moment by delivering practical, proven skills that make a real difference in everyday life of the student we work with.